Research funding/Grant support (2006-present)
1. EU H2020-ICT 2015, “A portable MicroNanoBioSystem and Instrument for ultra-fast analysis of pathogens in food: Innovation from LOVE-FOOD lab prototype to a precommercial instrument-LOVEFOOD2MARKET”, Contract No 687681, 2016-2019, Program Coordinator: Dr. Electra Gizeli, University of Crete-FORTH, Total budget 3.48 M€ (D. Mastellos, participating researcher, member of NCSR 'D' team)
2. Harry J. Lloyd Charitable Trust-Melanoma Research Grant, ‘Modulating neoantigen epitope generation for melanoma immunotherapy’, period of support: 2016-2019 (co-applicant: D. Mastellos, PI: Dr. E. Stratikos)
3. “Molecular analysis of genes and proteins that predispose to human diseases”, funded by the NCSR Demokritos-SIEMENS co-sponsored action “Establishing a Multidisciplinary and Effective Innovation and Entrepreneurship Hub” (D. Mastellos, team member, period of support: 2015-2017)
4. “The human immune system as a mechanism for the constant surveillance against environmental infections and perturbations of homeostasis”, supported by the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology and the European Regional Development Fund under the Action Development Grants For Research Institutions–KRIPIS of Operational Programme “Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship” II. (D. Mastellos, team member, period of support: 2014-2015)
5. FP7-PEOPLE-2010-RG Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant, ‘CompStaph: Exploiting innate immune evasion strategies of S. aureus for the design of novel antibody-based therapeutic agents for the treatment of bacteremia’ (PI: D. Mastellos, Principal awardee: Dr. G. Sfyroera (reintegrating fellow), total allocated costs: 100.000€, period of support: 2010-2014)
6. ESCMID 2012 Research Grant ‘StaphHuMab’: Design and comprehensive evaluation of human antibodies against complement evasion proteins of S. aureus: a novel approach towards targeted antimicrobial therapy (PI: Dr. G. Sfyroera, co-PI: D. Mastellos, total allocated costs: 18.000€, period of support 2012-14)
7. Empirikion Foundation Research Grant: Role of C3a polymorphisms on C5L2-mediated responses in lipid metabolism (P.I. Dr. G. Sfyroera, co-PI: D. Mastellos, total allocated costs: 20.000€, period of support 2013-14)
8. FP7-SME-2011-‘FOODSCAN: Development of an automated, novel biosensor platform for pesticide and chemical residue detection’ (PI: Prof. Spyros Kintzios, D. Mastellos, member of NCSR’D’ research team, period of support 2011-2014, support for DM: 20.000€)
9. NCSR ‘Demokritos’ research grant “Radiolabeled ligands for C5aR-targeted imaging of infectious diseases’, Program ‘Demoereyna’-2006 (PI: D. Mastellos, period of support: 2007-2008, total allocated costs: 15.000€)
10. Empeirikion Foundation research award ‘Interdisciplinary studies of protein biomolecules with applications in molecular and imaging diagnostics’, (co-PI: D. Mastellos, PI: Dr. G. Nounesis, NCSR ‘Demokritos’, period of support: 2006-2008, total allocated costs: 12.000€)
11. ‘Modulation of procoagulant responses by complement in a whole blood model of septicemia’, funded by the Greek Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT) (PI: D. Mastellos, period of support: 1/2007-2008, total allocated costs 60.000€)