Invited lectures
‘Complement and liver regeneration’ Biomedical Graduate program, Department of Medicine, University of Thessaly, Larisa, June 2002.
‘Complement-modulated pathways of development’ Department of Medicine, University of Thessaly, Immunobiology Seminar series, Larisa, February 2003.
‘Complement: Novel functions giving rise to old questions’ Department of Medicine, University of Patras, Basic Medical Sciences Postgraduate Program, Patras, May 2003.
‘The role of complement anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a in liver regeneration’ Department of Pharmacy, University of Patras, September 2003.
‘The role of complement anaphylatoxins in hepatocyte regeneration’ Department of Biology, University of Patras, September 2003.
‘Complement components serve as key regulators of liver regeneration’. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus, December 2004.
“Complement regulatory proteins”, in Complement in Renal Diseases, Workshop organized by the Hellenic College of Nephrology and Hypertension, and the Hellenic Society for Immunology, Thessaloniki, May 2005.
‘The role of complement in the pathophysiology of immune-complex diseases’, (Workshop on ‘Immune-complex diseases and complement: Pathophysiology and diagnostics’), 4o Panhellenic Congress of Medical Biopathology, Athens, April 2006.
‘Complement-mediated interactions in organ regeneration and development’, Institute of Biology, NCSR Demokritos, October 2006.
‘Complement: Bridging innate and adaptive immunity’, Medical School Graduate Program, University of Crete, Heraklion, January 2007.
‘Pathobiology of the complement system’, Annual Immunology Retreat, Hellenic Society of Immunology, Athens, November 2008.
‘Complement: A ‘versatile’ protein network at the interface of innate and adaptive immunity’, 2nd Immunology Summer School & Conference, Fiskardo-Kefalonia, Sept. 2009.
‘Targeting innate immune pathways in cancer immunotherapy: State of the art and critical perspectives’. 3rd Congress of the Balkan Union of Oncology, Volos, Greece, Sept. 2009.
‘Τargeting innate immunity in cancer immunotherapy: Current trends and perspectives’, 1st International Conference on ‘Progress in combination therapy of cancer using novel immunomodulators, FP7-REGPOT-sponsored 1st INSPIRE conference, Athens, 2012.
‘A novel role for complement anaphylatoxin C5a in glioblastoma pathogenesis and therapy resistance’, 6th International Conference on Complement Therapeutics, Aegean Conferences, Kos 2013.
‘Towards novel antimicrobial therapeutics: Efb-targeting mini-antibodies attenuate S. aureus survival in models of bacterial inflammation’, 8th International Conference on Complement Therapeutics, Aegean Conferences, Chania 2015.
‘Role of complement-modulated pathways in tissue homeostasis, organ regeneration and tumorigenesis’, Graduate Program ‘Molecular Basis of Human Diseases’, School of Medicine, University of Crete, Heraklion, January 2016.
‘Exploiting complement evasion for the development of novel therapeutic leads for the treatment of blood-borne bacterial infections’, 2nd International Conference on Immune Responses to Biosurfaces: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Interventions, Aegean Conferences, Rhodes 2016.
'Exploiting Immune Evasion Proteins for the design of novel therapeutic agents for staphylococcal infections’, Round Table ‘Immunology of infectious diseases, 10th National Conference of the Hellenic Society of Immunology, Thessaloniki, December 2016.
‘Revisiting the role of complement in antitumour immunity: challenges and opportunities’, 17th International Conference on Progress in Vaccination against Cancer (PIVAC-17), Loutraki, September 2017.
‘Complement inhibition in cancer therapy’, 3rd Symposium on Advances in Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, Athens Greece, 2-4 November 2017.
“Exploiting pathogen immune evasion for the design of next-generation vaccines for staphylococcal infections”, Meeting on ‘Vaccination programs for the general population and special considerations for patient cohorts’, organized by the Hellenic Society of Pathology, ‘G. Gennimatas’ General Hospital, 15 December 2017, Athens, Greece.